
Bruce Lee: an Immortal Legend in the

  Publisher: Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press Co., Ltd.
  作 者:郑杰
  Author:Zheng Jie
  出版时间:2017年 07月
  Publication Date:2017.7
  这本书是国内首部由资深“龙迷”创作的李小龙传记,客观严谨,详细考证,反复修订,旨在让越来越多的中国龙迷认识一个有血有肉的李小龙。作者以虔诚的心态,真实还原李小龙 32年的传奇人生,拒绝将他妖魔化或者神化。从某种意义上来说,这本充满了正能量的传记是极有说服力、接地气的成功励志学书籍。无论是谁,都会从中找到自己的影子,并从中获得启迪和激励,继而找寻到真正的自己,相信这也是李小龙所乐于见到的。
  This book is the first biography of Bruce Lee in China which is written by a fan of him. It is subjective and rigorous, being drafted after making detailed research and repeated revisions, for the purpose that a vivid image of him can be formed in the eyes of more and more Bruce Lee's fans. The author tells his 32 - year legendary life in a respectful way, avoiding demonizing or deifying it. In some senses, it is a biography full of positive energy, which can be regarded as a persuasive and motivational book down to earth. Everyone can find the shadow of himself in the book and get enlightenment and inspiration from it, thus to find his true self, which is to the delight of Bruce Lee.
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