Operated by:Jingzhou Daily
运用中国特有的剪纸动画的形式来表达传统的文言文《孙叔敖为楚令尹》故事,故事是选自《说苑 敬慎》中的一段,讲述了孙叔敖在楚国刚担任宰相的时候有百姓对其谏言了三条为官之道,孙叔敖虚心接受,并且一生都贯彻了这三条意见,保持自身的克己奉公,清正廉洁。
Using the unique Chinese paper-cut animation form to express the traditional classical Chinese story Sun Shuao for Chu Ling Yin, the story is selected from “Shuo Yuan, Jing Shen”in a paragraph, it tells the story of Sunshu Ao when he was just a prime minister in Chu, people advised him on the three ways to be an official, Sunshu Ao accepted humbly, and has carried out these three ideas throughout his life, to maintain their own self-abnegation of the public, clean and honest.
Contact:Gao Xiang
电话:+86 15927996186
Tel:+86 15927996186
Add:No.35 Taiyue Road, Shashi District, Jingzhou, Hubei