Hu You
Operatedby:Wuhan Broadcasting and Television Station (Group)
“户牖”,就是古建筑里的门和窗。户即是门,可供人出入,牖即是窗,可用来采光通风。它正如人体的眼睛,传递着本体的灵魂,让内外得以沟通。而作为人们平视古建筑时最常见到的构件,户牖除了其实用功能之外,同样展示出了许多精雕细琢的装饰之美。实用与装饰功能兼具的户牖,承载着中国古代工匠对美的“匠心”。中国古典门窗有漫长的起源发展历史,更是承载着东方韵味,是中国传统特色中独具风采的一部分,体现了中华文化的历史内涵、文化意蕴和美学价值。然而,随着时间流逝,以及现代文明和西方文化的冲击,很多荆楚大地上,古建筑的美,古建筑背后的故事,以及古建筑本身独具匠心之处,都渐渐被忽略。比如:“仙门”是什么门?什么是“歪门斜道”?什么是“门当户对”?什么窗既不能透光、也不能通风?当我们把古建筑不为人知却饶有趣味的内容,古建筑的美,以及古建筑所体现的“匠心营造”展现在公众面前时,往往会给现代人一些不经意的启发,从而更有利于古建筑的普及与传承。让大众看到中国文化之本,这是《户牖》最核心也是最主要的意义。本片(共四集 : 15分钟/集)通过“雪花纯生、匠心营造 ,古建筑摄影大赛采风之旅”活动的纪录和升华,来展示一路上遇到的湖北荆楚大地上,有意思的门(2集)、窗(2集),比如:等级最高的门、最不像门的门、最具传统民间特色民俗风情的门、甚至是歪门,亦或者是被摧毁得最厉害的窗,不同门窗的雕刻工艺等等,让本片雅俗共赏。四集内容围绕着以“匠心”纪录“匠心”的主题展开,通过物形(门窗)、匠心(专家、摄影师、工匠)、文化、传承四个层面,来分别讲述荆楚大地上,门和窗不同的内容。
"Hu You" refers to the doors and windows of ancient buildings. "Hu" means door for entry and exit while "You" refers to window for lighting and ventilation. Like human eyes, they convey the soul of the body, enabling communication with the outside world. As the most common components observed when looking at ancient buildings, "Hu You" are beautiful and exquisite decorations in addition to their practical functions. The ingenuity of ancient Chinese craftsmen finds expression in "Hu You" with both practical and decorative functions. "Hu You" as an oriental charm has a long history of development, Chinese classical doors and windows constitute a unique part in Chinese traditional treasures, reflecting the historical connotation, cultural implication and aesthetic value in the Chinese culture. However, with the passage of time, the impact of modern civilization and the influence of the Western culture, many beauties of ancient buildings in Hubei, the stories behind them, and their ingenuity have been gradually ignored. For examples, what is "immortal door?" What does "askew gate and way" mean? What's the meaning of "mendang hudui?" What kind of windows can't be used for lighting and ventilation? When the unknown yet interesting contents of ancient buildings and their beauty and ingenuity are revealed to the public, inspiration that it might arouse always comes unwittingly, which is more conducive to the popularization and inheritance of ancient buildings.The core and most important value of "Hu You" is to make the essence of Chinese culture known to the public. This series (with four episodes: 15 minutes per episode) aims to show interesting doors (two episodes) and windows (two episodes) along with the event -"Trip for Ancient Architecture Photography Competition to Show Architectural Ingenuity". The series would reveal interesting doors and windows including 'the highest-grade door', 'the door that doesn't look like a door most', 'the door with most salient traditional folk characteristic', and even 'the askew door' and 'the most destroyed window'. The carving process of different doors and windows and other contents make this series suit both refined and popular tastes. The four episodes revolve around the theme of recording "ingenuity" in an ingenious way, and unfold different stories of doors and windows in Hubei from four aspects – objects (doors and windows), ingenuity (experts, photographers and artisans), culture and inheritance.
联系电话:+86 27 88300585
地址:湖北省武汉市江岸区建设大道 677号
Contact:Huang Chunli
Tel:+86 27 88300585Add:No. 677 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei, China