JXOnline3:The Adventure of Shen Jia
Operatedby:Seasun Pictures
《剑网 3·侠肝义胆沈剑心》这部动画以游戏中以为名为“沈剑心”的 NPC作为主角展开剧情,沈剑心原是一名稻香村的保安,出身平凡、平平无奇,他梦想成为名扬天下的的一代大侠。在稻香村度过八年兢兢业业的保安生涯后,机缘巧合拜入江湖大派——纯阳宫。成为纯阳宫弟子的沈剑心,误打误撞中竟阴差阳错地领会了纯阳宫的绝世秘籍,但他对于自己领悟的一身不世绝学却毫不知情。怀揣着一腔热血的沈剑心决定凭自己的力量闯荡江湖,在风雨中逐渐成长。在第二季中,剧情依然延续了一以贯之的“侠义”精神,继续踏上惩奸除恶的行侠之旅。《剑网 3·侠肝义胆沈剑心》首次应用了自主研发的“三渲二”制作技术,利用 3D技术呈现优秀的动画画面,生动地将武侠文化元素融入其中。制作精良的画面和通俗易懂的表演,渲染出一部具有划时代意义的中国武侠动画。本剧 18年上映时广受好评,全网播放量破 5亿,全网话题破两亿,上播期间,连续蝉联放映榜单榜首,并在海外广受关注、好评如潮。
"JXOnline3:The Adventure of Shen Jianxin" reveals the story of Shen Jianxin, a NPC in a the game JX Online3. Jianxin was an ordinary security guard in Daoxiang villag who dreamt to be a world-renowned swordsman in the future. After the 8-year career being a security guard in the village, Shen started his lessons with Chunyang palace by chance. Fortunately, he comprehended the highest level of skills of Chunyang palace. However, he was still ignorant and continued his journey. In the season, the story continues to portray a chivalrous spirit, the journey of justice and peace never stops."JX Online3:The Adventure of Shen Jianxin" applies the technology of‘rendering 3-dimension into 2-demension' for the first time, presenting an outstanding animation with rich chivalry culture through 3D technology. Its premium quality and smooth storyline have rendered a profound and epic Chinese 'Wuxia' animation. This animation was well received during its first launch in 2018,reaping more than five hundred million views and more than two hundred million tweets. Its was constantly ranked first during in the screening list during its broadcast and was celebrated worldwide.
联系电话:+86 27 65521125
Contact:Song Peiying
Tel:+86 27 65521125
Add: Room 403, 4th floor, building B24, phase 2.7, financial background service center base construction project, No.77 guanggu avenue,donghu new technology development zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China