



  《三体》动画剧改编自获得雨果奖最佳长篇故事奖的《三体》小说,作品讲述了地球人类文明和三体文明的信息交流、生死搏杀及两个文明在宇宙中的兴衰历程。该系列动画剧将是艺画开天未来最重要的一部作品,计划开发不少于四季内容,这将是该小说的第一次影视化。《三体》是由刘慈欣创作的系列长篇科幻小说,由于其内容和思想上的突破性,全球销量突破 700万册,并获得了有科幻界‘诺贝尔奖’之称的雨果奖,在中国乃至世界掀起了一股“三体”热潮。美国前总统奥巴马就是《三体》小说的忠实读者,曾经以美国政府的名义向刘慈欣催更,在日常生活中也时常与其经济顾问探讨《三体》。《冰与火之歌》作者、著名作家乔治·马丁也对《三体》小说推崇有加,他认为《三体》小说奇妙地混合了科学和哲学思辨,政治和历史,阴谋论和宇宙学。
  "The There-Body Problem" animated series are adapted from the eponymous novel that won the HUGO Award for Best Long story. It features the communication and war between human civilization and 'three-body' civilization, as well as the rise and fall of both civilization in the vast universe. This animated series will be our primary project in the future and is the first time the novel to be adapted in animation works. YHKT plans to produce no less than 4 seasons of this series. 'The Three-Body Problem' is a long science-fiction story written by Liu Cixin. Its global sales break 7 millions for its unprecedented contents and profound thoughts, which in turn won its HUGO Award, a "Nobel Prize" in sci-fiction field. It evokes a worldwide craze for The Three-Body culture. The former American president Obama is a loyal reader of this novel. He once, in the name of American government, urged Liu Cixin to update his novel and he often discussed with his economic consultant about the novel. George Martin, the author of Game of Thrones, highly praised 'The Three-Body Problem'. He said, this story blends science, philosophy, politics, history, conspiracy theories and cosmology in a magnificent way.
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  Contact:Yang Gesen
  Tel:+86 027 87500585
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