
《天工开悟:中国古建装饰 木雕3》
37、Chinese Ancient Architecture Dec

  Publisher:Huazhong University of Science &Technology Press Co., Ltd.
  作 者:黄滢、马勇
  Author:Huang Ying、Ma Yong
  出版时间:2018年 6月
  Publication Date:2018.6
  中国传统建筑是中华民族文化历史发展的重要表现形式之一,它通过几千年的发展、传承、演变,逐步形成了独特的建筑体系和艺术风格,在世界建筑史上占据及其重要的地位,犹如一颗璀璨的明珠,至今仍绽放出耀眼的光芒。本系列图书收录了中国南北各地精美的建筑装饰精品,分为木雕、砖雕、石雕、彩绘、灰塑、琉璃等专题。《天工开悟:中国古建装饰木雕 3》延续前两册图书继续介绍博大精深的中国古代木雕工艺中的内檐木雕与家具陈设。从天花、藻井、门、窗、隔扇、木作家具、陈设木雕、屏风、屏门等木作构件的雕刻展现中国古代能工巧匠的精巧手艺。大量实拍精美木雕构件展示;木雕的各木作构件的样式、造型、内涵寓意的深度阐释。
  Chinese ancient architecture is an important manifestation of the development of Chinese culture and history. With thousands of years' development, inheritance and evolution, it has gradually formed a unique architectural system and artistic style and has been playing an important role in the history of world architecture. This Chinese Ancient Architecture Decoration Wood Carving series contains exquisite architectural decorations in various parts of North and South China. It is divided into subjects such as wood carving, brick carving, stone carving, colored drawing, grey molding, and colored glaze etc. On the basis of the first two volumes, Chinese Ancient Architecture Decoration Wood Carving III continues to introduce the deep and profound woodcarvings and furniture furnishings in ancient China. It manifests the exquisite workmanship of the ancient Chinese craftsmen from the carving of smallpox, wells, doors, windows, screens and so on. This book contains beautiful pictures and explains in depth the style, shape and connotation of various parts of the woodcarvings.
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