
History of Ideological Trends in Mod

  作  者:刘中树 许祖华
  ISBN: 978-7-5622-3963-5
  Publisher:Central China Normal University Press
  Writer:Liu Shouhua & Xu Zuhua
  Publication Date:2009.9
  ISBN: 978-7-5622-3963-5
  This book seeks to reveal the basic features and development of eight major ideological trends in modern Chinese literature, with a combination of all the author's research achievements on specific ideological trend. The eight ideological trends include didacticism, vernacular writings, realism, romanticism, left-wing literature, modernism, Chinese liberalism, nationalization and popularization.(Korean copyright sold)
  联  系  人:庞丹
  电  话:0086-27-67867370
  邮  箱:chrisp2008@163.com
  地  址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路152号
  Contact: Chris Pang
  TEL: 0086-27-67867370
  E-Mail: chrisp2008@163.com
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