
Hubei People’s Press Co., Ltd.

  湖北人民出版社有限公司成立于 1951 年,是上市公司长江出版传媒股份有限公司的全资子公司,是一家具有深厚历史积淀的社科综合性出版社。70 多年来,湖北人民出版社以“传承文明、彰显价值、服务读者、回馈社会”为宗旨,编辑出版了大批具有良好社会效益和经济效益的优秀图书,在中国出版事业的历史上留下了一串串闪闪发光的足迹,曾被评为“全国良好出版社”“全国优秀出版社”。出版的近千种图书获得各级各类奖励,如《汉语大字典》获首届“国家图书奖”,《闻一多全集》获第二届“国家图书奖”荣誉奖,《中国文化的人类学破译》丛书多次获“中国图书奖”和“中华优秀出版物奖”,另有 10 多种图书获得“中国图书奖”“中国辞书奖”“中华优秀出版物奖”“全国优秀畅销书奖”等 20 多项国家级大奖。

  湖北人民出版社一向高度重视对外文化交流合作及图书版权贸易等工作,曾被评为“2013 中国图书世界影响力出版 100 强”。近 10 年先后向英国、埃及、日本、新加坡、韩国等国家和中国港台地区输出版权近百种,促进了中华文化与世界文化的相互交融和共同发展。

  Hubei People’s Press Co., Ltd. ( “HBPP” for short) was established in 1951. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Changjiang Publishing & Media Co., Ltd. HBPP is a comprehensive publishing house with focus on social science that has a profound historical heritage. Its principal aims are: to inherit the civilization, to demonstrate its excellent value, to serve the reader and to give back to the society. HBPP has published many high-quality books with good profit and social value, which has left a string of sparkling footprints in China’s history of publishing . The title of “Excellent Publishing Press in China” was earned once, while the title of “Good Publishing Press in China” was gained twice. Thousands of books among our publications have been awarded different kinds of titles and honors, some of which are national awards like the Chinese Book Award, Chinese Dictionary Award and Chinese Excellent Publications Award. For example, the Grand Chinese Dictionary has won the first National Book Award; Complete Works of Wen Yiduo won the Honorary Award at the second National Book Awards; The Anthropological Decoding of Chinese Culture was also more than once a winner of the National Book Award and the Chinese Outstanding Publications Award.HBPP places an emphasis on cultural exchange and cooperation with countries and regions overseas, as well as on copyright trade.

  HBPP was awarded the title “100 Most Internationally Influential Presses of China” in 2013. In recent ten years, nearly 100 categories of copyrights have been exported to various countries and regions like the United Kingdom, Egypt, Japan, Singapore, South Korea as well as Taiwan,China and Hong Kong, China. The cultural fusion as well as common development of Chinese and world culture were thus promoted.

单位地址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区雄楚大道 268 号湖北出版文化城 B 座 15—16 楼

邮 编:430070

电 话:+86 27 87679624

负 责 人:刘 倩 副总经理

联 系 人:丰苑益 编 务

电 话:+86 18602714833 

邮 箱:2540926376@qq.com

Add: 15-16F, Block B, Hubei Publishing Culture Center, No. 268, Xiongchu Ave., Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Postal Code: 430070

Tel: +86 27 87679624 

PIC: Liu Qian, Deputy General Manager

Contact: Feng Yuanyi , Editorial Staff 

Tel: +86 18602714833

Mail: 2540926376@qq.com