
Changjiang Children's Press (Group)

  湖北科学技术出版社是 1982 年成立的以科技为特色的综合性出版社,享有“全国优秀科普出版社”“全国服务‘三农’图书出版先进单位”“全国良好出版社”,省级文明单位以及“湖北省创税明星企业”等称号。出版社秉承“举科学旗帜,做专业出版”的办社理念,坚持“科技与生活结合,科学与人文结合”,目前年出书数百种,涵盖医卫、农业、理工、科普、体育、生活等门类。

  出版社拥有一支专业的对外合作团队,建立起由众多院士专家、一流大学教授组成的对外合作智囊团。一方面,充分利用各种国际资源挖掘优质选题,引进优质的图书为国内读者服务 ;另一方面,积极响应国家“走出去”的号召,输出中医、养生、武术、棋类等上百种精品读物。同时积极扩展对外合作形式,从单一的图书版权输出,扩展到版权、实物、合作出版等。迄今已有“中华武术大观丛书”、“现代中医研究丛书”、《跟着李时珍学认药》、《英汉针灸词典》、《口腔解剖彩色图谱》、“精选传统祛病养生良方系列”、“棋艺一点通丛书”等 80 余种图书成功输出到我国台湾、香港地区。2020 年,我社出版的《新型冠状病毒肺炎预防手册》已向 24 个国家和地区实现了 20 个语言版本的版权输出。我社将不断创新对外合作的渠道和载体,不断创新科技、文化走出去的思路和模式。热忱期待与海内外各界开展广泛合作!

  Hubei Science and Technology Press Co., Ltd. was established in 1982 and now is a comprehensive publishing house featuring science publishing and has gained a great many honors such as "Excellent publishing house for the popularization of science", "Marvelous publishing house for the service for agriculture, farmers and rural area", "Excellent Publishing house", and etc. The press has cherished the notion that raising high the flag of science and be professional in science publishing, and stuck to the combination of technology with life and science with humanity, with the annual publication volume of more than hundreds of books, covering medicine, agriculture, engineering , popularization of science, physical education, and life.

  The press has a professional team for foreign cooperation and a think tank consisting of many academicians, specialists, first-class professors. On one hand, we take full advantage of all kinds of international resources to dig excellent publishing projects, import excellent books for domestic readers; on the other hand, we have exported more than one hundred quality books on Chinese medicine, health preserving, martial arts and board games in response to the national call of "Going Global". In addition, our press has expanded our form of cooperation from book copyright export to copyright import and export, joint publishing, and etc. So far, more than 80 kinds of books, including "Chinese Martial Arts Series", "Modern Chinese Medicine Research Series", Learning Medicine from Li Shizhen,English-Chinese Acupuncture Dictionary, Colour Atlas of Oral Anatomy, "Series of Collection of Traditional Prescription for Eliminating Diseases and Keeping Healthy", "Chess Skills Series" have been successfully exported to Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, China. In 2020, the COVID-19 Prevention Manual published by us has been exported to 24 countries and regions in 20 languages.We will keep making efforts in foreign cooperation in an innovative way, promoting our culture and technology to go international. We are sincerely seeking extensive cooperation with all walks of life at home and abroad!

单位地址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区雄楚大街 268号湖北出版文化城 B 座 13-14 层

邮 编:430070

电 话:+86 27 87679479

负 责 人:章雪峰 社 长

联 系 人:胡思思 版权编辑

电 话:+86 18827389902 

邮 箱:husisipro@163.com

Add: Floor 13-14, Block B, Hubei Publishing Culture Center, No. 268, Xiongchu Ave., Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Postal Code: 430070

Tel: +86 27 87679479

PIC: Zhang Xuefeng, President

Contact: Hu Sisi, Copyright Editor

Tel: +86 18827389902

Mail: husisipro@163.com