Publisher:Wuhan University of Technology Press Co.,Ltd.
Author:CSIC No. 719 Institute
Publication Date:2019.3
The book The Marine Nuclear Power Platform is a result of the efforts of the national marine nuclear power platform research team. It systematically summarizes the concept and details of design of the marine nuclear power platform based on a few research projects (such as the "Research on the Key Technologies and Safety of Nuclear-Powered Ships" of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China under the 863 Program, the "Technology of Power Generation by Small Nuclear Reactors and Its Application" under the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and the "Research on Security Features of Floating Nuclear Power Plants" of the National Nuclear Safety Administration) along with the latest research data and results. It aims to comprehensively introduce the results of research on marine nuclear power platforms in China and enhance its readers' scientific understanding of marine nuclear power platforms (the book mainly targets scientific research fellows and engineering technicians in relevant fields). The book mainly includes: a brief history of the development of marine nuclear power platforms at home and abroad, the background and design features of marine nuclear power platform demonstration projects, the main systems of marine nuclear power platforms and nuclear safety culture. It first deals with the "past and present" of the marine nuclear power platform and its design scheme selection; subsequently introduces the overall performance, structure and outfitting of the marine nuclear power platform; and then introduces the main components and basic design principles of the marine system, nuclear power system, secondary loop system, transmission and distribution system, integrated information system, and mooring system of the marine nuclear power platform.
Contact:Liu Yanan
Add:No. 122 Luosho Road Hongshan District,Wuhan Hubei