
Passing down Intangible Cultural Heritage


  Operated by:Hubei Media Group

  非遗是中华民族智慧结晶的产物,《非遗薪传》以做好湖北省非物质文化传承与保护宣传为宗旨,当好非遗宣传者,打造非遗保护“薪火相传”的影响力。该系列摄制团队前往湖北的利川,荆州,黄石、枣阳、鄂州、蕲春、宜昌市伍家岗区、随州市曾都区,恩施土家族苗族自治州等非遗文化项目的发源地,从传统技艺(青铜编钟、漆制作技、楚简、枣阳粗布、青砖茶等制作技艺)、戏剧( 黄梅戏、木偶戏、女娲传说)、美术(绿松石雕)、民间文学(大禹治水)、医药(中药炮制、蕲春艾灸)民俗(元宵百节龙习俗、潜江灯会)、舞蹈(龙舞、灯舞)、曲艺(天门渔鼓)等7个方面18个项目,制作18期高质量非遗专题,每集将1件“非遗项目”浓缩在5分钟的视频里,栩栩如生地向观众打开非遗传奇、探索和传承的大门,讲人民身边的非遗,将视角聚焦在百姓生活日常中,以年轻态视角、画面和语态生动展现非遗的精湛技艺,歌颂非遗传承人甘于奉献、潜心守护古老的非物质文化遗产的高尚品格;也讲述了非遗传承人不断与时俱进、推动古老的技艺传承与创新的艰辛历程。

  The program aims to promote public awareness of inheriting and protecting intangible cultural heritage (ICH), the inheritance of wisdom of Chinese people, in Hubei and to play an influential role in passing down ICH from generation to generation. The production crew travelled to Lichuan, Jingzhou, Huangshi, Zaoyang, Ezhou, Qichun, Wujiagang District in Yichang, Zengdu District in Suizhou, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and other places in Hubei to trace the origin and development of ICH items. The program consists of 18 high-quality episodes on 18 ICH items of 7 categories: traditional techniques (skills of making bronze chime bells, lacquer, Chu-state bamboo slips, Zaoyang handwoven cloth and green brick tea), drama (Huangmei opera, puppet show, myths about Nüwa), fine arts (turquoise carving), folk literature (Great Yu who controlled the waters), medicine (Chinese herbal medicine processing, Qichun moxibustion therapy), folk custom (dragon dance in the Spring Lantern Festival, Qianjiang lantern festival), dance (dragon dance, lantern dance), and Chinese narrative-singing arts (Tianmen Fishing Drum). Each episode tells about one ICH item in 5 minutes. It vividly depicts the myths, discovery and inheriting of ICH items, puts a spotlight on daily life of common people, and combines acoustic and visual artistic approaches to lively showcase superb techniques and skills integral to ICH items in a way that arouses interest of the young audience. It also speaks highly of the dedication and sublimity of ICH inheritors and guardians and their painstaking efforts to pass down and revitalize long-standing techniques and skills in a way that keeps pace with the times.


  Contact:Luo Jun

  电话:+86 18971279616

  Tel:+86 18971279616




  Add:No.9 Gongzheng Road,Wuchang District,Wuhan, Hubei