
We Are Not Alone on the Great Way: Transmit Chinese Value Across Culture


  Operated by:Hubei Education Press

  本书以全人类共同价值与中国价值的内在一致性为理论基础,阐明人类命运共同体的本质。在此基础上,结合哲学、政治学、历史学等多学科视角,深入探讨了 “中国价值如何跨文化传播”这一时代命题。本书对如何建设好跨文化传播渠道、利用好传播新媒介等一系列政府、学界、社会普遍关心的问题提出颇有建设性的建议,有助于解决“有理说不出,说了传不开”的难题。

  This book trys to find the shared feature between humankind common values and Chinese values, and takes a further stap to seek for the truth of “a shared future for mankind”. It discusses "how do Chinese values spread across cultures" based on philosophy, history, political science and other multidisciplinary perspectives, by analysing some specific strategies, for example the Belt and Road cooperation, new public diplomacy and the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace. The book makes an effort to tell people how to make cross-cultural communication easier and how can we solve today's international problems and challenges by working together, which offers Chinese wisdom for cracking the current security dilemma and shoring up sustained global security governance.


  Contact:Xu Mei

  电话:+86 1361838886

  Tel:+86 1361838886




  Add:17/F, Tower C, No.268 Xiongchu Avenue, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei