
Kirin’s Voyage


  Operated by:Changjiang Children’s Press

  本书以“郑和下西洋”抵达非洲、带回长颈鹿的故事为背景,以儿童视角为依托,生动再现了值得永世铭记的历史壮举。本书讲述了一个富有传奇色彩的故事:郑和船队到达非洲后,广交友谊、多行善举,并与当地的小男孩莫萨结缘。船队返程时收到的礼物中有一种叫作“基林”的动物,由于发音相似,被船队误以为是传说中的麒麟。小男孩莫萨舍不得他的动物朋友,悄悄躲进船舱里,和麒麟一起开启了朝向神秘东方的远航…… 作品视角独特、极具创意,把丰富的中华历史文化内涵以富有想象力的文学、艺术形式表达出来。

  Based on the history of “Zheng He’s Voyage to West”, in which Zheng’s fleet arrived in Africa and brought back giraffes, this book vividly reproduces the historical feats worth remembering forever from the perspective of children. This book tells a legendary story: after Zheng He's fleet arrived in Africa, he made friends, did many good deeds, and became acquainted with a local boy. Among the gifts the fleet received on its return were a couple of animals called "Kirin", which was mistaken by the fleet for a kind of legendary Eastern Unicorn called Kylin because of the similar pronunciation. Reluctant to depart with his animal friends, the boy quietly hid in the cabin and started a voyage to the mysterious East with Kirin... The work has a unique and creative perspective and expresses the rich historical and cultural connotation of China in imaginative literary and artistic forms.


  Contact:Gong Huajing

  电话:+86 13986076100

  Tel:+86 13986076100




  Add:No.268 Xiongchu Avenue, Hongshan District,Wuhan, Hubei